Monica Lewinsky:
Shame and isolation are two of the most damaging emotional effects of bullying. Anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky and a coalition of 12 anti-bullying nonprofits wanted to help young people being bullied by letting them know that they’re not alone. Unfortunately, we can’t change what bullies say to their targets, but we can change the way it makes them feel. So we created a movement to disarm bullies of their most common tactic: name-calling.
#DefyTheName kicked off with a film showing that some of the most successful people out there were also called names, but they didn’t let that define who they became.
The film was only the beginning, as the campaign grew into an online movement that encouraged people to add their bullied name to their display name on social media. #DefyTheName was a trending topic the day it launched and more than 350 influencers tweeted about the campaign, achieving over 1 billion impressions in the first two weeks.