AMerican Red CRoss:

In the fall of 2020, COVID-19 cases were peaking across the country. This caused consumer behavior to change in ways no one expected. For non-profits, this led to a 30% reduction in donations and the lowest donor engagement in two decades. But natural disasters never stop, not even during a global pandemic. Victims of disasters needed our help more than ever.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that even in our darkest hour, hope is what gets us through. To bring the resilience of hope to life, we created a very simple story of a woman playing a broken piano amid the ruins that used to be her home. She stoically plays a familiar and encouraging song, reminding people that when you give to the American Red Cross, you’re giving hope to those who have lost everything.

Our PSA increased fundraising revenue by 28% from the previous year, and the donation goal for 2020 was surpassed by 39%.